Soooooooooo where to begin!? There has been many things and adventures for me this summer....and frankly since the last blog post!! So I suppose that I will start with May as I don't really remember any significance before May... :)
There were many camping trips this year with family and friends. Each one was a blast! There was lots of four wheeling,fishing and camping. I love to be outdoors and with my work schedule this summber there were several weekends spent in the hills!
Back in May I purchased me a new four wheeler.... its a Can-Am 800cc! This machine is so powerful!!

Here was the first trip out... It was a trip to the Bear River service area just south of Evanston, Wyoming however its all in Utah! This trip was just a group of us guys that went up and spent some days in the hills. It was still early in the season so all the snow hadn't melted and we were the first to break trail in a couple spots. Shortly after we arrived we found that my buddy's trailer had been sabotaged by his wife... she sent us with company for the weekend :)

This is me using my winch for the first time, Yes that is us stuck... we rode down a north facing hill to this lovely little lake. The bad thing some of us didn't realize is that we had to climb up the hill that had slushy melting snow!! We had to winch to each others bike all the way up the mountain... good times!Here is my friend Chad almost tipping his four wheeler over :)
Here is the truck, toy box and toy...
So... the year 2009 has had a few big purchases for me.... I couldn't let the four wheeler be the only big purchase; so I decided that I could use a new truck. I was tired of paying to have this really nice truck and never being able to use it to go play. So I began looking for a different one... I looked for a few months and couldn't come up with anything. I knew I wanted something cheaper but in good condition and lower miles....(not too much to ask for right?) Well... it was sure a pain! I couldn't find any good quality trucks in all of Utah! Those of you who know me...know that I am a Chevrolet guy... and love the Duramax! It's such a great motor and Chevrolet in my opinion builds the best truck around. So I decided to open up my search a little bit... and look in the nearby states. One slow night at work as I was cruising the internet I found it!! This truck was in great condition, it was a few years older then my current truck...yet it was pretty much everything I was looking for!! There was just one slight was in Greely, Colorado! Now the pictures they had of it were great, almost too good! I had friends who have bought vehicles off of eBay and other online sites... and they have all had good results. So the next day when I woke up I called over and spoke with a salesman at the dealership. I did some negiotation over the phone and then made my flight reservations to Denver!
I made round trip flight plans... in case this truck was a pile. I am proud to say the 18 1/2 hour day was worth the flight and drive. Here is the new truck!
2003 Chevrolet Silverado- Duramax
I have been on a few other trips, however there aren't that many pictures to choose from... I will have to find some good ones and post them.
I know I have really been busy with work and a little other play stuff that its hard to remember all what has happened. Here is the latest and hopefully I can stay up to date on anything else fun that comes up!
Stay tuned for now...